Saturday, November 23, 2019

Bridal Pearl Necklace : Wedding Pearl Jewelry: The Secret Meaning Behind Sir and Rumi, the Names...

Bridal Pearl Necklace : Wedding Pearl Jewelry:
The Secret Meaning Behind Sir and Rumi, the Names...
: The Secret Meaning Behind Sir and Rumi, the Names of ... Yahoo Lifestyle - Jul. 16, 2017 ... four (4), into life events such as their...

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

This permanent critique of ourselves has to avoid easily occurs
confusion between humanism and Aufkl(rung. We must not forget that Aufkl(rung -
this event, or rather a collection of events and processes that occurred in
a certain moment of the development of European societies. This collection includes
elements of social transformation, types of political institutions,
forms of knowledge, projects of rationalization of knowledge and practices, technological
changes that are very difficult to define in one word, even though
many of these phenomena still has not lost its importance. The moment
which I highlighted and which I consider fundamental to the particular form
philosophical reflection concerns only the way reflexive relationship to
Humanism is something quite different: it is a theme or, rather,
the combination of those several times over time appearing in
European societies. These topics are always associated with value judgments,
of course, always been different and in terms of content, and the values
they incurred . In addition, they served as a critical principle
differentiation: there was humanism, which acted as a critique of Christianity
or religion in General; there was a Christian humanism, protivopostavlyalsya
ascetic and much more theocentric humanism (as it was in
The SEVENTEENTH century). In the NINETEENTH century there was a humanism that is configured in disbelief,
hostile and critical toward science, and at the same time - another
humanism, which, by contrast, pin their hopes with this same science.
Marxism was a humanism as existentialism and personalism;
there was a time when humanistic values seemed to
national socialism and when the Stalinists also stated that they are
humanists. From this it follows not that we must reject everything that was announced
as humanity, but. on the subject of humanism too
compliant, too diverse, too vague to serve as an axis
reflection. But in any case, since the Seventeenth century what was called
humanism, was forced to rely on certain ideas about
the man borrowed from religion science or politics. A humanist is
the decoration and the justification for those conceptions of man to which he is forced
to resort.