Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Pearl Necklace | Pearl Jewelry: Outer Space Jewelry Exhibit Opens to the PublicFor...

Pearl Necklace | Pearl Jewelry: Outer Space Jewelry Exhibit Opens to the PublicFor...: Outer Space  Jewelry  Exhibit Opens to the Public Forbes - Mar. 17, 2013 Jewelry  in the Space Age, looked human but you can never b...

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

Judging on the basis of conventional geological methods, detailed consideration of
precipitation in the Arctic circle can be considered positive evidence
although in the modern period, and there were several rocks
mammals, but reptiles do not; on the other hand, the lack of
mammals in the Galapagos archipelago, where it occurs a lot
reptiles can be considered proof of the opposite. At that
time formation, extending nearly two thousand miles along the great
barrier reef of Australia - formations in which nothing is
in addition to corals, sea urchins, molluscs, crustaceans and fish, with a small
a mixture of turtles, birds and cetaceans animals could give rise
to conclude, that in our time there was neither terrestrial reptiles, nor
mammals living on land. Speaking of Australia, we can not give you
another example, already by himself, could be quite
convincing proof of our position. The fauna of this country dramatically
different from the fauna of other countries. On land all native mammals,
with the exception of the bat belong to the lowest division of duotronic;
insects also noticeably different from insects of all other countries.
District sea contain many more or less strange forms. Between fish
there is one species of shark is the only surviving
a representative of the genus that flourished in early geologic epochs. Suppose
now that the newest layers with fossil mammals in Australia are
be considered a person with no knowledge about the existing
the Australian fauna; if he will talk in a normal way, he's not
dare to classify these residues with residues present.
Can we then rely on the default assumption that
these formations, located in the most remote from one another parts
of the globe, belong to the same period that only
ground that the organic parts, involving them, are
some common characteristic features; or that such other
formations belong to different periods just because of their face
fauna different?