In the passage from my letter to Mill, which is Mr. Hattonom, I pointed out the analogy existing between these actions emotional experiences from which, in my opinion, evolved moral feelings, and the actions of the intellectual experiences from which, in my opinion opinion, developed spatial intuition. Believing that the first of these hypotheses cannot stand if the falsity of the latter proved, Mr. Getton some of their attacks sent at last. But wouldn't it be better, before you criticize, to deal with the "Foundations of psychology", where I outlined in detail this last hypothesis? Would it not be better to give a brief description this process made me not replace it with the description, in his opinion, I had to do. Everyone who reads of the "Grounds psychology" two chapters, "the Perception of the body from its static properties" and "Perception of space", will understand that the message Mr. Hettena about how I look at this subject, does not give a clue about my expressed and may not be the one but to smile as he's probably smiling while reading criticism of Mr. Hettena.
1 comment:
In the passage from my letter to Mill, which is Mr.
Hattonom, I pointed out the analogy existing between these actions
emotional experiences from which, in my opinion, evolved moral
feelings, and the actions of the intellectual experiences from which, in my opinion
opinion, developed spatial intuition. Believing that the first
of these hypotheses cannot stand if the falsity of the latter proved, Mr.
Getton some of their attacks sent at last. But wouldn't it be better,
before you criticize, to deal with the "Foundations of psychology", where I outlined
in detail this last hypothesis? Would it not be better to give a brief description
this process made me not replace it with the description,
in his opinion, I had to do. Everyone who reads of the "Grounds
psychology" two chapters, "the Perception of the body from its static properties" and
"Perception of space", will understand that the message Mr. Hettena about how I
look at this subject, does not give a clue about my expressed and
may not be the one but to smile as he's probably smiling while reading
criticism of Mr. Hettena.
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