Friday, November 22, 2019

Bridal Pearl Necklace : Wedding Pearl Jewelry: Royal wedding 2019: The REAL reason Lady Gabriella...

Bridal Pearl Necklace : Wedding Pearl Jewelry: Royal wedding 2019: The REAL reason Lady Gabriella...: Royal wedding  2019: The REAL reason Lady Gabriella likes ... - Mar. 23, 2019 LADY GABRIELLA Windsor has set the date ...

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

As a semiotician, P. Bitsilli emphasizes that to understand the spirit
era is important, what types of art are most successful in the
period. In the case of the Renaissance in Italy so successful, he believes
theatre and proves it on several examples. In principle, the internal mechanism
any culture he finds a certain contradiction. It is a struggle between
the personal beginning and the beginning of a collective struggle in the plane that
is true, as required. "The culture of the Renaissance was
the advantage of the culture of the yard "salon", "Academy"; culture
intellectuals alien to the common life, enclosed in a kind of "secular
the monastery", the perfect image of which was "Teletskoe Abbey" Rabelais"
(Ibid.P. 94).

historical approach 151
Each artist is in conflict with the decision taken at that period
Canon beautiful. "It was believed that this Canon was found by the ancients.
Medieval art kept it. If it seemed the people of the Renaissance
"wild" and "rough", then the reason for this was his austerity, detachment,
the monotony. One of the objectives of art of the Renaissance was followed by the Canon
beautiful so that it does not hurt the realism and vitality
image (ibid.P.98).
"Discovery of man" Renaissance P. Bitsilli sees the value of its
creativity as a body of knowledge of the world. The middle ages saw the world
differently. "The world of empirical existence, the existence of private random things, thought
the middle ages contrasted the world of pure concepts. Empirical things were
only elements of these concepts and symbols pointing at them
that is, by themselves, as if nothing. Hence the theory of art developed still
the first theorists of the Renaissance, according to which art in false
the images reveals the truth" (ibid.P.109).