Between the satellites of Jupiter, which, on each side, showing the same synchronic movement, we meet even more wonderful ratio. "If the average angular velocity of the first satellite will give to twice the average angular velocity of the third, the sum will be equal to three times the average angular speed of the second", and "it follows that as soon the position of any two satellites, we can find the position third." And this, as above, does not appear to be any clear use. It is also impossible and then assume that this ratio was random; the probability against this is the ratio of infinity to unit. And Laplace, the question again is allowed with the hypothesis misty masses. Do these facts not mnogozamechatelnih? But mnogozamechatelnih fact represent the rings of Saturn. They like says Laplace, cash serve as witnesses of the genetic process, which he assumes. Here we have preserved in constant time one of the forms, through which every planet and every satellite was in the time to pass, and the movement of these bodies are exactly what they should to be on our hypothesis. "The duration of the rotation of the planet says Laplace, - should, on this hypothesis, be less than the duration of rotation nearest body orbiting it."
1 comment:
Between the satellites of Jupiter, which, on each side, showing
the same synchronic movement, we meet even more wonderful
ratio. "If the average angular velocity of the first satellite will give to
twice the average angular velocity of the third, the sum will be equal to
three times the average angular speed of the second", and "it follows that as
soon the position of any two satellites, we can find the position
third." And this, as above, does not appear to be any clear
use. It is also impossible and then assume that this ratio was
random; the probability against this is the ratio of infinity to
unit. And Laplace, the question again is allowed with the hypothesis
misty masses. Do these facts not mnogozamechatelnih?
But mnogozamechatelnih fact represent the rings of Saturn. They like
says Laplace, cash serve as witnesses of the genetic process,
which he assumes. Here we have preserved in constant time
one of the forms, through which every planet and every satellite was in
the time to pass, and the movement of these bodies are exactly what they should
to be on our hypothesis. "The duration of the rotation of the planet says
Laplace, - should, on this hypothesis, be less than the duration of rotation
nearest body orbiting it."
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