Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Pearl Necklace | Pearl Jewelry: The Strange (and Formerly Sexist) Economics of Eng...

Pearl Necklace | Pearl Jewelry: The Strange (and Formerly Sexist) Economics of Eng...: The Strange (and Formerly Sexist) Economics of Engagement ... The Atlantic - Apr. 5, 2012 Why do men buy diamond  rings  for our fia...

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

This reaction and its accompanying contractia well explain the latest
the history of English thought in General. There was a time when our compatriots
probably the same as other peoples, indulged in speculations about those
lofty questions themselves are presented to the human mind
Indeed, a cursory glance at the philosophical system as
current and former before in the course on the continent to see how
other Nations owe to the discoveries of our ancestors. But for one or two
generations of these abstract objects has been neglected, and people,
call themselves "practical", even despised. This mental phase -
partly, perhaps, natural satellite of our rapid development in
material terms - was to some extent a consequence of the failure
arguments and the need for better data. Not so much in the power of the conscious
the desire for known targets, how in unconscious obedience
the rhythm that can be traced to the social upheavals in exactly the same way
as in other things, - era, when they built theory, not caring about observation,
changed era, when they began to observe, not thinking about theory. During the same
long time dedicated to specific Sciences has accumulated was
a huge amount of raw material for abstract science and it is now evident
there comes a time when this raw material will be organized into a cohesive theory.
Everywhere - in the Sciences of the inorganic and the organic world in the science of society
-- we can notice the desire to move from the superficial and empirical to
deep and rational.
In psychology, this period is particularly evident Facts found by the anatomists
and physicians, are finally beginning to accompany the explanation of this higher
class of biological phenomena, and we already see the makings of a great success.
Essay by Mr. Alexander Bain, an essay which recently released the second volume
{"The Emotions and the Will" - the First volume bears the title "The Senses and the
Intellect". Both books were completely revised for the second edition.},
particularly well characterized by this transition. This piece is
we are in an orderly order a huge mass of data what the latest science gives for
build coherent systems of philosophy of the spirit. In itself this is not
actually the system of the philosophy of the spirit, but rather divided into classes meeting
materials for such systems, the Assembly made by the method and
the insight, which are subject to scientific training, and sometimes
equipped with analytical comments. This work really
represents what it professes to be - a natural history of the spirit.