To the above he adds that these forms only slightly differentsirovaniya its periphery, "but are commonly more or less characteristic normal outline, can however arbitrarily to return to pseudoanabaena or creeping condition" {Ib. Vol. I, p. 57.} Here, therefore, we have many indications of the truth that part of the substance, which is constantly outside, turns per layer, different from the inner content. Uncertain and unstructured the outer shell of the simplest forms, such as gregarin {The Elements of comparative Anatomy by T. N. Huxley, p. 7-9.}, the higher ciliates becomes specific and often complex: this is proof of the wide be applied to its education, selection of a favorable change. For these types, as Foraminifer'bi, which, being almost shapeless in its inner addition, secrete calcareous shell, it becomes obvious that nature this outer layer is determined by the inherited structure. However, the recognition this fact is quite compatible with our assumption that the action of the environment initiated the formation of an outer layer that is currently already a special character, and that even still, contact with the environment is the causative agent selecting it.
1 comment:
To the above he adds that these forms only slightly
differentsirovaniya its periphery, "but are commonly more or
less characteristic normal outline, can however arbitrarily
to return to pseudoanabaena or creeping condition" {Ib. Vol. I, p.
57.} Here, therefore, we have many indications of the truth that
part of the substance, which is constantly outside, turns per layer,
different from the inner content. Uncertain and unstructured
the outer shell of the simplest forms, such as gregarin {The Elements of
comparative Anatomy by T. N. Huxley, p. 7-9.}, the higher ciliates becomes
specific and often complex: this is proof of the wide
be applied to its education, selection of a favorable change. For these types,
as Foraminifer'bi, which, being almost shapeless in its inner
addition, secrete calcareous shell, it becomes obvious that nature
this outer layer is determined by the inherited structure. However, the recognition
this fact is quite compatible with our assumption that the action of the environment
initiated the formation of an outer layer that is currently
already a special character, and that even still, contact with the environment
is the causative agent selecting it.
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