Saturday, November 30, 2019

Bridal Pearl Necklace : Wedding Pearl Jewelry: We Made Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Elderflow...

Bridal Pearl Necklace : Wedding Pearl Jewelry: We Made Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Elderflow...: We Made Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Elderflower ... - Mar. 22, 2018 The cake that will be served at Prince Harry...

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

If we take a complex sentence, then, dividing it into elementary constituent parts, we find there are the same objects: the dominant and its attributes or the elements and connections. "If tomorrow will be cold, we go for a walk". Usually such design proposals (judgment) is expressed by the classic formula: "If..., then..." and is seen most often as a consequence. But the word "if" indicates only the possible conditions, i.e. the emergence of new some signs are already third level, the main subject "we go walk", which can be quite effect. We can say that the second part of the sentence is the result. In fact, here are two suggestions: "Tomorrow be cold" and "We go walk". Each of them has the main object of "tomorrow" and "we," the predicate or attribute, a property "cold" and "go for a walk".

In this case, the part of the sentence starting with "if...", means a dominant. If you happen to this event, only in this case will be done a different action. Therefore, a dominant, characteristic which will meet or will not meet any feature of another object. "If it rains, we go for a walk". There is an object "nature", which has a number of characteristics, including, and such as "rain" or a sign of "not raining". (First sign of "rain" as General, and then, within it, a sign of "go" or "no go" as it is a derived feature). In addition, there is the object "we", which among other features has such as "walk". (First sign of "go" as the most General, and then "walk" as a derivative). The appearance of the second symptom of "walk with" object "we" is possible only if the sign of "no rain" will be implemented the first facility - "nature".

As soon as these signs got a bunch of "if" immediately takes effect another rule of creating complex sentences, namely the condition in which may or may not occur subsequent event. In this case time, i.e. tomorrow. An indication of the time it is required and cateandcal the condition for the creation of any, absolutely any suggestions. The only difference is that in some cases it is explicitly stated, others just implied. Time in this case is a condition and context of the education sense, because only in the time it acquires the meaning of existence. "Yesterday you were at the movies", "movies", "will You go to the movies", etc. In the first case the elapsed time, the second - longest in the present and third the future.

Instead of the word "if" you can put the words most often used in complex sentences: "because", "due to the fact that", "and", "or", etc. \\"I don't go to the movies due to the fact that I have a headache" or "because we need to do." "We'll go to the movies and we'll talk." Each of them describes a condition of making any event. Here the same two sentences: "We'll go to the movies" and "We'll talk", but it is not simultaneous action.