Sunday, January 6, 2019

Dior Homme - Un Rendez Vous (by Guy Ritchie starring Jude Law)

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

"Last year the market appeared a new brand of refrigerator "...", which immediately gained popularity and became a great success among buyers. This fridge is quite spacious, with small footprint, reliable, elegant and inexpensive. As a rule, applications for this fridge are satisfied not full.
It's not a question, but rather is a new refrigerator. But it was built specifically. Knowing the General positive attitude on this refrigerator, an attempt was made to identify how much the Respondent is focused on the brand and how many people are fundamentally opposed to it. The last group is interesting because it most fully and clearly expressed all the negative aspects of the relationship to the fridge, what was required from this question.
To achieve goals, solve set out in the programme of the study tasks, must be able to break the rules. But in order to break the rules, you need to know them well. Need to know what happens if you build it that way, and what happens if to build it otherwise, and, knowing the specific reactions of the respondents of a particular type, shape, wording of the question, use them when solution to your specific problem.
I'm not talking about the obvious cases of biased influence of the researcher on the Respondent with a view to adjust his answers to fit their theoretical construct. This, unfortunately, is speaks not only of scientific principles but also the dishonesty of the sociologist. These are special cases. Another thing, as a sociologist, not knowing the rules of the game, build your profile so that inadvertently influence the Respondent. It is already sociological illiteracy.
Rules for constructing questionnaires and formulating questions is not a dogma but a guide to action. If we didn't break the rules, we would not be able to solve many of our problems. Any brilliant idea taken to extremes becomes absurd. Refer to the regulations as to the dogma becomes a hindrance in the development of research methods and solving its various problems. Even in everyday conversation, if people are not violated and moreover, is constant (within the acceptable range, of course) of the rules of word usage, language could not develop.
The rule is hard and not hard interaction of a number of phenomena. All rules do not work by themselves, not individually, but only in their interconnection, in their entirety, to some, unified communications. Except that the rules are always relative, have limited scope and exceptions (as stated, any "iron" rule is the "iron" exception), they don't have a meaningful value outside the main objectives of the study.