Sunday, January 6, 2019

Natural chrysoprase chalcedony / hijau garut

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

Still, better these issues do not apply. They are quite difficult to understand even a trained person and is likely to receive incorrect data. Because of the complexity definition a new concept, the respondents perceive this question as a multiple that contains other issues, with all the ensuing negative consequences mentioned above.
Substitution of concepts occurs due to incorrect or inaccurate their use. For each class, group phenomena, social practice establishes several concepts that describe these phenomena. Some of them are accurate, others less accurate describing the phenomenon approximately, reflecting not only its essential characteristics. Competently to build his speech to a large extent means to choose the right concepts, and that requires a lot of work, good professionalism and often good art. Remember, as in Mayakovsky: "... one word for harass tons of verbal ore". If the researcher wants the Respondent understood it clearly, it must exactly match the concepts. So for example, you cannot speak and write "terms of use" by bus or metro, or rather "Rules of travel". You can use only the small things, toys, pen, etc.
The question "How often do You seek help in the medical and health institutions?" (alternatives clinic, health center, hospital, sanatorium, recreational facilities) is not precisely use the concept of "ask for help" for some alternatives. "Ask for help" in clinics, health posts. It involves short-term, one-time visit to these institutions. The word "hospital," "sanatorium", "recreational facilities" require other concepts: "have You ever been treated in the hospital?" "Have you ever been treated in a sanatorium?", "Have you ever vacationed in a rest home?". To use the concept should be very cautiously and carefully.
Incorrect application of concepts may distort the meaning of the question. Thus, in the study on conditions of work and life of mine workers in the questionnaire was recorded the question, "does the mode of work and rest on the quality of Your work?". The sociologist suggested to explore how the existing regime shifts (day, evening, night) affects the quality of their work. The mess that was on the mine with the shift (when the miners did not know in which shift they will work on next week), under the assumption of sociologist had a negative impact on efficiency and quality of work. However, according to the study, it was found that the change does not affect the quality of the work. A thorough analysis of the contradictory fact shows that workers understand under "contract" in question is the alternation of work and rest during work shift. Interpretation of conceptual education "mode of work and rest" the sociologist and miners have been different.
Typical substitution error, and definitions are errors mismatches of concepts.
The fact that any notion acquires meaning only through the other, rather, through other concepts, the content of which definitely, definitely. Otherwise, if none or at least one of the concepts is undefined, or, as they say, logic, is not axiomatic, it is impossible to deduce the contents and the third, of the desired concepts. Thus, the set of alternatives is essentially a conceptual description of the question or the required concepts, since without a description, the question is meaningless, hangs in the air. If the sociologist does not give alternatives, as in open questions, the Respondent chooses conceptual description of the proposed issue in its conceptual understanding.
In development practice questions there are cases when the set of alternatives does not meet the basic concept inherent in the question, and describes essentially different concept, not enclosed or partially enclosed in the question.
A fragment of the questionnaire.