Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Story image for fashion industry from University of Alberta - University Relations

New degree in fashion business management launches this fall

University of Alberta - University Relations-Jan. 28, 2018
The program is designed for students who want to develop business skills for management-level jobs in the fashion industry or for their own fashion-related ...
Story image for fashion industry from Irish Examiner

How the fashion industry is increasingly recognising Muslim ...

Irish Examiner-Aug. 10, 2018
Historically marginalised, there is a group of Muslims in the fashion industry who are grafting to get their voices heard – and to increasing success.
Story image for fashion industry from

Fashion Giants Are "Hoarding Talent" Thanks to Aggressive ... 15, 2018
Look around. The use of non-compete agreements has been on the rise, and the fashion industry is hardly immune. It was this specific contract provision that ...
Story image for fashion industry from The Interpreter

The true cost of fast fashion

The Interpreter-Dec. 11, 2018
The fashion industry is far from the only culprit, yet governments have struggled to identify the scope of the problem or readily address the issues. Until now.

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

As already mentioned, a feature of the motivational question is that contained in the concepts cannot always be clearly interpreted research
dovetailed and Respondent. And really, what is that "cohesive group". In one case "solid" means a group in which all members are bound by friendship, in the other, where there is a friendly, strong core, in the third case, members of the group, although not friends, but not allow any conflicts. The understanding by the respondents of this concept may differ from the interpretation of "cohesion" which involves the sociologist. A researcher can never be absolutely sure that he and the Respondent speak the same language, one and the same, the same understanding of the proposed concepts.
In order to speak the same language, the sociologist must relate their understanding of the phenomenon, understanding it by the Respondent. Here most of the assistance can provide situational questions. This means that the sociologist, rather than to ask a direct question like "Tell me, please, Your group is cohesive?", describes some situation, cites specific examples from the life of the group and the behavior of its members, which show, according to the understanding of the researcher that such a close-knit, little cohesive and not cohesive. The Respondent selects a particular situation, thereby agreeing or disagreeing with the proposed researcher understanding. Determining how cohesive or not cohesive study group, the sociologist may not need to use the concept of "cohesive". Respondents it is in this case not necessary, because they operate not by rules and specific examples of group life.
Below is an example situational question to study the level of team unity.